YES! Initiative Vienna
Welcome 'Young European Solidarity!'
Explore nature!, Get new friends! Express creativity! … are the inspiring ideas of our 'YES! Initiative Vienna', which was initiated by the director of 'EnvironmentalEducationAustria' Prof. Dipl.-Päd. Gerhard Hofer.
The European 'YES! Initiative Vienna' was officially presented to the public in 1998 by Dr. Michael Häupl, the Major of Vienna and patron of 'YES!'.
'YES! Initiative Vienna' is a vivid platform for an open dialogue of young people about creating a European ecological, social and cultural identity, a common signal of 'Young European Solidarity'!
By now more than 40 European-wide events in five periodical 'YES! Series' with thousands of students and teachers all over Europe have been sucessfully realised in Vienna and in various European cities!
YES! Initiative Vienna
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